MOOBING PREMIERE Leave module is a comprehensive package that automatically calculates and prorates the entitlements based on user-definable policies.
Designed as a parameter driven system, Leave (Admin) allows you to define your various policies such as methods of rounding, earned leave calculation, proration, forfeiture, encashment, carry forward, etc.
This module is specially designed to meet Indonesia Government Labor regulation No.13 Year 2003 (UU No. 13 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan) or company own policy.
- Unlimited user definable leave formula
- Auto leave entitlement increment and balance calculation
- Auto validation of applications against Leave balances
- Leave unit can be in days or hours basis
- Leave calendar wizard in leave application
- Able to set leave encashment for resign employees
- Carry forward leave balance from month to month
- Able to have leave auto expired if more than maximum leave limit
- Able to apply full day or half day leave
- Able to apply consecutive day or irregular day leave
- Integrated to MOOBING Premiere Attendance module upon leave application approve for remarking purpose
- Integrated to MOOBING Premiere Payroll module upon leave claim as cash